Friday, December 26, 2008


Am not going KBOX again because it is a rip-off and I've spent money that was supposing meant for food ( You know how important that is) on it.


I'm going to patronize some other places that charge Karaoke PER room next time.
Then Bunny and I can carry out our evil schemeee. muahahhahahahaha!

Ok lah, if it's of any consolation I had fun with Bunny today.

She almost cried while singing.
I figured it's because of my awesome, magnetic great vocals.

awwwwwwwwww how sweet! :)

eh am too tired to continue ranting.

more on it next time.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Oh yah, a certain friend of mine says that the creature you see in the picture above is not called Koala Bear.

It's simply Koala.

hahaha! Bet you didn't know! :D (neither did I *blush*)

Who's your daddy!

If you have a facebook account and you play the Brain challenge game, you will know what I mean by the title.

Hahahha, I find it super hilarious! :DDD

Who's your daddy? go suck your own toes! mwahaha!

Some birdy *ahem* Steph *ahhem* said that my blog is ignored and unloved ( can you believe her?) That is so untrue, see how many new posts there are this month. tsk, I love my ok.

Anyway, I've watched TWILIGHT and it's niceeee! I think it's cos I didn't get to read the book so I don't have the basis of comparison. ( other than Lihui's short summary. thanks, it's very useful!) It's really like one of the few movies which kept me alert throughout the whole show- and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Twilight book series!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH! The agony of waiting :(

Hmm, makes me wonder how my blood would taste like. Scurly no vampire even want to suck my blood. -_-

Huibin, go and be calefare with me lah! then we can see your little nyonya!


ok lah, realised I have many different random ideas in a single post but that's just me- I'm very random!
ok will update again soon!

Just want to say that I've truly enjoyed every moment I've spent with my peers ( esp those whom I've lost touched with for long) during this holiday. It's just so heartwarming to chat about the old times and to realise that we've been foolish/lame/etc before. We've all grown up and mature, so has our friendships. I sincerely wish that our friendships will remain 'solid' and strong as we approach another phase of our lives.. I guess that's not a lot to wish for. haha.

Alrite, on the last note, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!

P.S I don't update my facebook photos very often cos I'm shy! If any of you wants the pictures taken on outing days, just leave me a comment/send an email/etc means to contact me. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gossip Girl 2

Jenny sucks!!!


Can't believe I'm staying up to watch GG -____-

on a random not
*Somebody's coming back to the sunny island tomoroooooooooooow! yay!

Gossip Girl

Since Binny has gone cruising, nobody's here to chat about Gossip girl with me! I shall share it with blogger.

I'm at the end of season 1 and..

1. I think Serena's really really perfect. Like the ideal female specimen!

2. But I like the rest of the characters too, even though flawed and everything. It just makes them more real and dimensioned. (ok Bin, you're rite, Jenny is irritating. Not innocent)

3. I know it's right to have Nate and B tgt but I want C and B together! It's so cute, hahahaha.

4. D and S are so perfect tgt!!! I hope they remain together till the end.

5. Lily and Rufus.. are just sad case.

6. I like Blair's hairbands!

Eh, I know this post's very boring but I'm bored lah. Cos seriously most of my friends made a pact to all go overseas tgt during this period and leave me suffering in Singapore.

Not to mention the rest who are busily working. :( ( I know I have to start soon, I have my troubles too ok)

Hehehe, Eunice ling thanks for the msg today! At least I know you miss me! ;) HEH HEH.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Just a thought

I feel like locking this blog up and I will simply invite some friends of mine :)

Some thoughts are just private.

Will settle it soon.

Sometimes I wish I could change the world.

Change some ugly traits of people. Sigh but I feel so powerless sometimes, and you would say, Just ignore them! Everyone's different. You can't mould people into what you want them to be.

Yeah, that's correct.
But for now, I would like to hold onto my tiny and harmless wish that people would be less irritating and shallow.
(esp on that latter)


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I miss Gabriel

Gabriel flew to Australia this morning and so.. I'm experiencing 5-6 days w/o a boyfriend (ok, i don't mean it that way).


wth, he has been gone for only less than 24 hours and i am saying that. I'm such a wimp! :( :(

Pardon me while i go sob at the corner. :'(

faster come back!!

p.s rmb to bring back a koala bear, you promised.


ok later I am going to watch Gossip girl!!
And while Gab is enjoying his stay in Australia now, sightseeing all the exotic animals and eating nougats, Bunny is flying off to HK(hehe, sounds like Hello kitty) tomorrow.

Damn it, if only all the dim sums, nougats and Koala bears can fly to me right now.

ok, i didn't mean it. I don't mind the food but i definitely don't want my house to be packed with koalabears which might probably scratch me. ( wait, that reminds me of CY's fear of Koala! hahah! I win! )

ok, That's all for today. Can't wait for the class outing tmr! :DD

I've restarted my blog!

YAY! I've done what i've always wanted to. heh heh heh.

i won't say this is a brand new blog (eh, still the same url) but i sure feel differently about it! It's like a new me! :DD like.. a brand new beginning, you know??

eh, bunny, rmb you said that my blog was dead ????

bluff you one.

it's revived by me again. muahahahha!!!!

I feel powerful! :D


ok, will be back soon, i hope. :)